For specific health concerns:

Patients schedule twice a week, the first two weeks, then weekly thereafter until symptomatic relief starts to last longer than a week. Once it does, we push it back, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, so on and so forth. The goal is to get you well, not to keep you here for forever.

Be mindful that if you space treatments too far apart at first, it acts more like a band-aid, keeping your progress at the current level it's at, rather than being the corrective form of care you're looking for. With acupuncture, each treatment builds upon the previous, giving you more longstanding and corrective results as you go. 

After your first treatment, you may start to feel a little bit better, then you slope off.  At first, your improvement lasts a few hours or a few days. If we catch you while you're on the upswing and give you another treatment, you get further faster and have to see me less times total. (Thus, twice weekly, at first.)  After your body gets used to acupuncture your improvements will last longer and longer.

For those with health concerns, whose schedules do not accommodate twice weekly treatment, minimally we recommend once a week to start. With once weekly treatment, changes will still occur, they will just be at a slower pace. 

For chronic, more complicated health conditions, expect treatment duration to be longer than new and acute situations.  

Pain Patients:

With the treatment I like to start with, about 80-90% of patients will see an increase in their range of motion or a decrease of their level of pain, pretty immediately. Usually, while they're on the table, into the night, or the next day.

If you fall into that 20% category that doesn't experience a change right away, we change our treatment plan. There are a lot of different ways to address pain, we just like to start with what works best for most. 

For Wellness & Preventative Medicine:

Patients seeking wellness care may come as often or as little as they like. Some patients prefer weekly tune-ups, others choose monthly and still others choose seasonally, or community events.

Minimally, I suggest maintaining seasonal treatments for general wellness, as during each change of season, a new organ system is more active and thus more susceptible to symptomatic expression of illness. 

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Managing expectations:

Health concerns do not come on overnight, nor will they go away with one acupuncture treatment. Give acupuncture at least 6 treatments before you decide for or against it. It can be helpful for most, however, for some it won't be. 

Acupuncture is a wonderful form of corrective medicine. Each treatment builds upon the previous, encouraging your system to heal at a faster pace. It brings your body back to homeostasis with a renewed sense of normalcy. 

Acupuncture Events:

Held in our office and throughout the Greater Pittsburgh Area. Check our event calendar for details. Want to bring an event to your business, organization or center? Please contact us.

Private appointments:

Call or text 724.884.5337 to schedule.

Upcoming Events: